Garbage pick up is performed on Wednesdays by Groot, they will stay on schedule regardless of Holiday schedule, Recycling pick up is also performed on Wednesdays by Lakeshore Recycling (their schedule will vary in the event of a holiday). You can contact them at (800)-485-0900 (Groot Industries) and (773)-749-7911 (Lakeshore Recycling).

Yard waste / leaves / brush will be picked up on the first Wednesday in April through the last Wednesday in November.

Additional Waste Services

For residents in need of disposing electronic recycling and hazardous waste, the City of Chicago may take materials not taken by Forest View refuse contractors, please read below.

Please be advised that the landfill will not accept wet/liquid paint. Therefore, the garbage company will not pick-up your paint cans.

However, the garbage company will take your paint can if you DRY IT into a hard clump. This can be accomplished by filling the paint container with sand/cat litter and allowing it sufficient time to dry and harden. Then make sure the cover is off the paint container and place it on the curb for Wednesday pickup.

Permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Dispose of your household chemicals responsibly and recycle your old computers by dropping them off at the City of Chicago's permanent Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility at 1150 N. North Branch Street (two blocks east of the Kennedy Expressway at Division Street).

Household chemicals and computers often contain hazardous substances, such as lead, mercury, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) which can contaminate our air, soil and water. Through proper disposal methods or recycling, these hazardous substances are reprocessed and reused in an environmentally-responsible manner.

The Household Chemical and Computer Recycling Facility accepts a range of items, including household cleaners, oil-based paints, solvents, cell phones, compact fluorescent light bulbs, computers and related equipment to name a few. It does not accept business/commercial sector wastes, explosives, fireworks or latex paint.  

During business hours, an attendant will help unload your vehicle and accept your materials. Materials should not be left outside the facility unattended. Scheduled business hours are:

Tuesdays, 7 a.m. - Noon

Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.

The first Saturday of every month 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.